Christie Miller Fresh Look Thinking
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A Hope-Building Small Group
Retreat for Marriages (wives only)

This weekend retreat is held twice a year in various locations around Washington State for women who are discouraged in their marriages and feel there is no hope for change. It is limited to 5 women (plus two facilitators), so it is an intimate setting where we can partner with the Lord to help each woman go home with hope and a specific plan for improving her marriage.
The cost is $125- $150 (depending upon location) for the weekend with some scholarships available. This is not your typical retreat. It’s an intense weekend where we focus entirely upon you and your marriage. You won’t go home the same person as when you arrived.
We try to offer venues that give you a private room, we serve healthy meal, and give lots of time for discussion and processing.

Event Facilitators:

Christie Miller

Christie and her husband have been married for 42 years…..but it has been a “through it all” marriage. They waited for the miracle, and God has blessed them with a marriage transformation she never thought would happen. It didn’t just happen, though. God had to walk them both through some truth with lots of grace. Christie’s wisdom for wives in difficult marriages is full of discernment, hope, and specific steps towards change.


Deb Kalmbach

Deb and her husband are celebrating 50 years together…..a date they never thought they would see. God walked them through Randy’s alcoholism to see miracle after miracle of God’s working in their lives. Deb is an encourager extraordinaire, and offers great help, hope, and wisdom to women who are discouraged and struggling in their marriages. She has seen the faithfulness of God even in the most frustrating of times!